The Institute for AIM Medicine

Tag list: Lecture

Director Miyazaki's Lecture in the Academic Conference


Miyazaki delivered a lecture at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Apheresis   Title: Creation of new medicine by AIM - Tackling Incurable Diseases by Cleaning up the detrim ≫read more

Director Miyazaki’s Appearance in 'Lovely Nyan Festa in Kyoto 2023'.


Director Toru Miyazaki delivers a lecture at the ‘Scientist Festival: An Opportunity to Meet and Interact with Researchers’   Title: "Aiming for the Era of 30-Year Cat Lifespan - Conquering  ≫read more

Director Miyazaki's Lecture Information


Director Toru Miyazaki delivers a lecture at the ‘Scientist Festival: An Opportunity to Meet and Interact with Researchers’   Title: Aiming for the day when cats live to be 30 years old and  ≫read more

Vice Director Arai's Lecture


Vice Director Arai delivered a lecture at the 20th Skill Up Seminer in the Japan Society of Clinical General Laboratory Medicine   Title: Latest findings for improving renal stone disease  ≫read more

Director Miyazaki's Lecture Information


Director Miyazaki delivered a lecture at the 70th 70th Shinshu Kidney Seminar.   Title: Aiming for the day when cats live to be 30 years old and no longer require human dialysis - from the d ≫read more

Director Miyazaki's Lecture Information


Director Toru Miyazaki will be delivering a lecture at the "Naigai Josei Chosa Kai (Domestic and Foreign Situation Survey Society※)."   Title: New Medical Challenges with AIM - Tre ≫read more

Director Miyazaki’s Invited Lecture at Scientific Conference


Director Miyazaki to Present at "Mirai Igaku Kenkyu Kai(Future Medicine Research Society※)."   45th Mirai Igaku Kenkyu Kai Conference "think outside the box" Special Lectur ≫read more

Director Miyazaki's Academic Presentation at Conference (Invited Lecture)


Director Miyazaki Invited to Speak at the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy.   68th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy Special Lecture Date: June 18, 2023 (Sun ≫read more

Director Miyazaki's Lecture Information


Director Miyazaki delivered a lecture at the "Naigai Josei Chosa Kai (Domestic and Foreign Situation Survey Society※)."   Title: New Medical Challenges with AIM: Treating Incurable ≫read more

Director Miyazaki’s Presentation at Academic Conference (Invited Lecture)


At the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Clinical Renal Transplantation, Director Toru Miyazaki delivered a special lecture.   Event Details Date: February 12, 2023 (Sunday) Ve ≫read more