The Institute for AIM Medicine

Media Information

Featured on YouTube channel "Claire Luvcat"


An interview with Director Miyazaki and members of the institute has been featured on the Korean YouTube channel "Claire Luvcat."

Featured on "Rike Lab"


An interview article with Director Miyazaki titled "Dr. Miyazaki's Drug Development Strategy for Cat Kidney Disease - Anticipating Expansion to Humans" has been published on "Rike Lab."

Featured in "DIME" November Issue and "@DIME"


An interview article with Director Miyazaki titled "Protein 'AIM' Deeply Associated with Kidney Disease - Can Cat Lifespan Extend to 30 Years?" has been published in the November issue of "DIME" magazine as well as on the "@DIME" platform.

Director Miyazaki’s Lecture Information


Director Miyazaki delivered a lecture at "Toride City Citizen University."


Toride City Citizen University, University of Tokyo EMP Special Lecture

  • Topic: A New Approach to Medicine Taught by Cats: Treating Diseases that Can't be Cured by Cleaning Up the Body's Waste with AIM
  • Date: October 18, 2022 (Tuesday)
  • Location: Toride City Wellness Plaza
  • Hosted by: Toride City Board of Education, Lifelong Learning Section

Featured on "Sankei News"


A review of the co-authored book "Kagaku no katachi" (The Figure of Science) by Dr. Takashi Yoro and Dr. Toru Miyazaki has been published on Sankei News.

Featured on "JIJI.COM BookNavi"


An excerpt from the co-authored book "Kagaku no katachi" (The Figure of Science) by Dr. Takashi Yoro and Dr. Toru Miyazaki has been featured on JIJI.COM BookNavi
The article titled " Mystery of Life: "Are Beetles and Butterflies Different Insects?" is available for reading on the JIJI.COM BookNavi website.

Featured on Shueisha Online


An excerpt and restructured article titled "From the Perspective of Viruses, the Human World is Like a Universe" from the collaborative book "Kagaku no Katachi" (Figure of Science) by Dr. Yoro and Director Miyazaki has been published on Shueisha Online.

Publication of "Kagaku no Katachi" (Figure of Science)


The book "Kagaku no Katachi", a compilation of conversations between Takeshi Yoro and Director Miyazaki, has been published by Jiji Press Publishing. You can purchase the book from the following website:


Jiji Press Publishing: "Kagaku no Katachi"

[Print Edition] [eBook]

Featured on Sankei News


An article featuring the research conducted by Director Toru Miyazaki was published in the column "Sankei Shou: May 2nd" on Sankei News.