The Institute for AIM Medicine

Tag list: Books & Magazines

Featured in "Daily Nyandai 2023"


An interview article titled "Advancing the Frontiers of Treatment: 'Keeping Cats Alive Until 30 Years Old' " with Director Toru Miyazaki has been featured in the special issue of "Daily ≫read more

Featured in "Kanjuku Times"


An interview article titled "Developing Medications for Feline Kidney Disease" featuring Director Toru Miyazaki has been published in the educational magazine "Kanjuku Times," Febr ≫read more

Featured in "Living with Rescued Dogs and Cats"


An interview article titled "The Potential of Kidney Disease Treatment 'AIM' " featuring Director Toru Miyazaki has been published in the magazine "Living with Rescued Dogs and Cats." ≫read more

Featured in "Neko no Kimochi" January Issue


An interview article with Director Miyazaki has been published in the special feature on "Chronic Kidney Disease" in the January issue of "Neko no Kimochi" magazine. ≫read more

Featured in "Nikkei TRENDY"


An interview article※ featuring Director Miyazaki titled "Discovering 'AIM' to Ward Off 'Destiny' – Achieving a Breakthrough Beyond Specialized Fields" has been published in the January 2023 ≫read more

Featured in "DIME" November Issue and "@DIME"


An interview article with Director Miyazaki titled "Protein 'AIM' Deeply Associated with Kidney Disease - Can Cat Lifespan Extend to 30 Years?" has been published in the November issue of "DIME" magaz ≫read more

Featured on "Sankei News"


A review of the co-authored book "Kagaku no katachi" (The Figure of Science) by Dr. Takashi Yoro and Dr. Toru Miyazaki has been published on Sankei News. ≫read more

Featured on "JIJI.COM BookNavi"


An excerpt from the co-authored book "Kagaku no katachi" (The Figure of Science) by Dr. Takashi Yoro and Dr. Toru Miyazaki has been featured on JIJI.COM BookNavi The article titled " Mystery of Life: ≫read more

Featured on Shueisha Online


An excerpt and restructured article titled "From the Perspective of Viruses, the Human World is Like a Universe" from the collaborative book "Kagaku no Katachi" (Figure of Science) by Dr. Yo ≫read more

Publication of "Kagaku no Katachi" (Figure of Science)


The book "Kagaku no Katachi", a compilation of conversations between Takeshi Yoro and Director Miyazaki, has been published by Jiji Press Publishing. You can purchase the book from the f ≫read more